Data poisoning: how artists are sabotaging AI to take revenge on image generators

Over the break we read and loved this article from The Conversation, originally published on 18 December 2023. We hope you do too!

T.J. Thomson, Author provided

T.J. Thomson, RMIT University and Daniel Angus, Queensland University of Technology

Imagine this. You need an image of a balloon for a work presentation and turn to a text-to-image generator, like Midjourney or DALL-E, to create a suitable image.

You enter the prompt: “red balloon against a blue sky” but the generator returns an image of an egg instead. You try again but this time, the generator shows an image of a watermelon.

What’s going on?

The generator you’re using may have been “poisoned”.

What is ‘data poisoning’?

Text-to-image generators work by being trained on large datasets that include millions or billions of images. Some generators, like those offered by Adobe or Getty, are only trained with images the generator’s maker owns or has a licence to use.

But other generators have been trained by indiscriminately scraping online images, many of which may be under copyright. This has led to a slew of copyright infringement cases where artists have accused big tech companies of stealing and profiting from their work.

This is also where the idea of “poison” comes in. Researchers who want to empower individual artists have recently created a tool named “Nightshade” to fight back against unauthorised image scraping.

The tool works by subtly altering an image’s pixels in a way that wreaks havoc to computer vision but leaves the image unaltered to a human’s eyes.

If an organisation then scrapes one of these images to train a future AI model, its data pool becomes “poisoned”. This can result in the algorithm mistakenly learning to classify an image as something a human would visually know to be untrue. As a result, the generator can start returning unpredictable and unintended results.

Symptoms of poisoning

As in our earlier example, a balloon might become an egg. A request for an image in the style of Monet might instead return an image in the style of Picasso.

Some of the issues with earlier AI models, such as trouble accurately rendering hands, for example, could return. The models could also introduce other odd and illogical features to images – think six-legged dogs or deformed couches.

The higher the number of “poisoned” images in the training data, the greater the disruption. Because of how generative AI works, the damage from “poisoned” images also affects related prompt keywords.

For example, if a “poisoned” image of a Ferrari is used in training data, prompt results for other car brands and for other related terms, such as vehicle and automobile, can also be affected.

Nightshade’s developer hopes the tool will make big tech companies more respectful of copyright, but it’s also possible users could abuse the tool and intentionally upload “poisoned” images to generators to try and disrupt their services.

Is there an antidote?

In response, stakeholders have proposed a range of technological and human solutions. The most obvious is paying greater attention to where input data are coming from and how they can be used. Doing so would result in less indiscriminate data harvesting.

This approach does challenge a common belief among computer scientists: that data found online can be used for any purpose they see fit.

Other technological fixes also include the use of “ensemble modeling” where different models are trained on many different subsets of data and compared to locate specific outliers. This approach can be used not only for training but also to detect and discard suspected “poisoned” images.

Audits are another option. One audit approach involves developing a “test battery” – a small, highly curated, and well-labelled dataset – using “hold-out” data that are never used for training. This dataset can then be used to examine the model’s accuracy.

Strategies against technology

So-called “adversarial approaches” (those that degrade, deny, deceive, or manipulate AI systems), including data poisoning, are nothing new. They have also historically included using make-up and costumes to circumvent facial recognition systems.

Human rights activists, for example, have been concerned for some time about the indiscriminate use of machine vision in wider society. This concern is particularly acute concerning facial recognition.

Systems like Clearview AI, which hosts a massive searchable database of faces scraped from the internet, are used by law enforcement and government agencies worldwide. In 2021, Australia’s government determined Clearview AI breached the privacy of Australians.

In response to facial recognition systems being used to profile specific individuals, including legitimate protesters, artists devised adversarial make-up patterns of jagged lines and asymmetric curves that prevent surveillance systems from accurately identifying them.

There is a clear connection between these cases and the issue of data poisoning, as both relate to larger questions around technological governance.

Many technology vendors will consider data poisoning a pesky issue to be fixed with technological solutions. However, it may be better to see data poisoning as an innovative solution to an intrusion on the fundamental moral rights of artists and users.

T.J. Thomson, Senior Lecturer in Visual Communication & Digital Media, RMIT University and Daniel Angus, Professor of Digital Communication, Queensland University of Technology

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Being Prompt with Prompt Engineering

Krista Yuen, The University of Waikato
Danielle Degiorgio, Edith Cowan University

Warning – ChatGPT and DALL-E were used in the making of this post.

Experienced AI users have been experimenting with the art of prompt engineering to ensure they are getting the most useful and accurate responses from generative AI systems. As a result, they have created and synthesised techniques to ensure that they are getting the best output from these systems. Crafting an effective prompt, also known as prompt engineering, is arguably a skill that may be needed in a world of information seeking, as the trend of AI continues to grow.

Whilst AI continues to improve, and many systems now encourage more precise prompting from their users, AI is still only as good as the prompts they are given. Essentially, if you want quality content, you must use quality prompts. The structure of a solid prompt requires critical thinking and reflection in the design of your prompt, as well as how you interact with the output. While there are many ways to structure a prompt, these are the three more important things to remember when constructing your prompt:


  • Provide background information
  • Set the scene
  • Use exact keywords
  • Specify audience
  • You could also give the AI tool a role to play, e.g. “Act as an expert community organiser!”


  • Clearly define tasks
  • Be as specific as possible about exactly what you want the AI tool to do
  • Break down the steps involved if needed
  • Put in any extra detail, information or text that the AI tool needs


  • Specify desired format, style, and tone
  • Specify inclusions and exclusions
  • Tell it how you would like the results formatted, e.g. a table, bullet point list or even in HTML or CSS.

Example prompt for text generation e.g., ChatGPT

You are an expert marketing and communications advisor working on a project for dolphin conservation and need to create a comprehensive marketing proposal. The goal is to raise awareness and promote actions that contribute to the protection of dolphins and their habitats. The target audience includes environmental activists and the general public who might be interested in marine conservation.

The proposal should highlight the current challenges faced by dolphins, including threats like pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction. It should emphasise the importance of dolphins to marine ecosystems and their appeal to people due to their intelligence and playful nature. It should include five bullet points for each area: campaign objectives, target audience, key messages, marketing channels, content ideas, partnerships, budget estimation, timeline, and evaluation metrics.

Please structure it in a format that is easy to present to stakeholders, such as a PowerPoint presentation or a detailed report. It should be professionally written, persuasive, and visually appealing with suggestions for imagery and design elements that align with the theme of dolphin conservation.

Example prompt for image generation e.g., DALL∙E

Create a captivating and colourful image for a marketing campaign focused on dolphin conservation. The setting is a serene, crystal-clear ocean under a bright blue sky with soft, fluffy clouds. In the foreground, a group of three playful dolphins is leaping gracefully out of the water. These dolphins should appear joyful and full of life, symbolising the beauty and intelligence of marine life.

The central dolphin, a majestic bottlenose, is at the peak of its jump, with water droplets sparkling around it like diamonds under the sunlight. On the left, a smaller, younger dolphin, mirrors its movement, adding a sense of playfulness and family. To the right, another dolphin is partially submerged, preparing to leap. In the background, a distant, unspoiled coastline with lush greenery and a few palm trees provides a natural, pristine environment. This idyllic scene should evoke a sense of peace and the importance of preserving such beautiful natural habitats.

This image was created with DALL·E 2 via ChatGPT 4 (November 22 Version).

Not getting the results you want?

If your first response has not given you exactly what you need, remember you can try and try again! You may need to add more guidelines to your prompt:

  • Try adding more words or ideas that might be needed. What kind of instructions might make your prompt obtain more?
  • Provide some more context, like “I’m not an expert and I need this explained to me in simpler terms.”
  • Do you need more detailed information that will make your response more relevant and useful?

Want to learn more?

There are a few places you can go to learn more about developing good prompts for your generative AI tool:

LinkedIn Learning: How to write an effective prompt for AI

Learn Prompting: Prompt Engineering Guide